Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Go to your account in the App and press 'Redeem ticket'. Enter the voucher code here. For Viator this is the booking code. If you are going to walk with several people, please give this code to your group so that they can redeem their ticket themselves in the App.

  • a phone that is fully charged
  • internet access
  • the Niki App
  • possibly a power bank

Make sure everyone has their phone fully charged and the Niki App installed.

If you bought the tour via a platform, go to your account in the App and press 'Redeem ticket'. You can use the booking code here. If you have not yet bought a tour, do so in the App.

All participants start the tour. The first screen guides you to the starting point. Then I make sure that the information you receive is as synchronized as possible, so that you can walk as a group.

If you want to shorten the route, you can skip trigger points. However, if you skip more than 4 points in a row, the points will no longer be triggered automatically. You can still activate them manually by pressing the desired point.

A route you have purchased remains available for a year, during which you can walk it as many times as you want!

If you didn't understand the message well, you can replay the audio on the information screen. You can also pause or rewind the audio

You can open the information screen of any point by pressing it.

You can invite your friends to follow you on your walk. They will receive a message when you pass a trigger point and can send you encouragement.

If you create an account, we ensure that you can continue to use the purchased routes when you buy a new phone.

Your purchase is for personal use, but if you want to walk it with someone and share earplugs, that's fine with me! It is more comfortable if you each walk with your own phone, and for the price you can't beat it!

I develop tours in all touristic hotspots of the world, so check our offer regularly, because it is constantly growing!

If you want to help us develop tours, please visit our website and sign up.

Yes you can! Press the button 'Preview' and you can virtually walk the tour so that you get an impression of what the tour looks like.